Wednesday 27 April 2016

26 April 2016 - Riemvasmaak

26 April 2016 - Riemvasmaak

Riemvasmaak (rvm) is an old "iXhoiSan" word for 'mixed feelings'. I don't think anyone can think of rvm and not have mixed feelings.

Rvm-kop, from far.

The rvm area was a military training site after the locals were made to leave the area.  Many were re-settled in Damaraland and were given the land back after the current government took over.  At rvm there must be about 100 - 200 families living.  Some people herd goats, there is a clinic, school, coffee shop, very small 'general store'.  Also 4x4 routes and the hot springs.

We booked to stay at the hot springs. Cheap; less than R 600.  The exterior looks somewhat interesting but the inside is really rudimentary. Although there is hot water, heated by gas, there was no gas. The overall experience, however, is spectacular, however.
The spring is situated in th Molopo river, 12 km above its confluence with the Orange river.

Pool at hot spring

Riemvasmaak accommodation  (1 of 4)

The cliffs are spectacular, probably 80 - 100 m high, with lots of bird life and hyraxes (dassies). The pool is chlorinated although fresh water run in continuously.  It's clean, without rubbish lying around. No other people were present...nice to have it all for yourself.

The Riemvasmaak landscape speaks for itself.  The night sky was crystal clear in an totally lightless environment.

We left early, about 7 am (top right pic) as we wanted to get to Keetmanshoop.  The signage, however, was poor and we had to turn around as we missed the unmarked turnoff to Namibia.  We only lost 30 minutes.  It takes 60 minutes from getting up out of bed, shaved, showered, coffee, packing, extra coffee and breakfast and lunch for the road, make-up...;-)). You must see me with lipstick.

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