Saturday 23 April 2016

25 April 2016         -          minus 2 days

-       2 days to go.

Preparations are going well.  

Packed clothes, etc. Also food and whatever goes with 'food'.  All went into four small crates.  Crates 1 and 2 are identical.  So when 1 is used up, we move onto crate 2.  So crate 2 only appears after crate 1 is 'consumed'.  The crates are 'stackable', i.e. fitting into each other. Crate D is Daily, and crate 3 holds 'make-up' ;-)) 

Battery operated fridge, plugging into 'cigarette lighter'.  But also 220V when available.

Back seat taken out, only took 10 minutes...LOTS of space for fridge, luggage, etc, all the things that have to stay dust free.

All the things i hope not to use, but i'll be glad to have it when i need it.

Tomorrow last things will be packed.

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