Monday 25 April 2016

25 April -  Knysna to Carnarvon

We had a wonderful slow drive from Knysna to Carnarvon. Mostly tar road but also good gravel.

Beautiful colours - poplar trees that are quite common in the 'wet spots'.

456 km drive in 6 h 30 min. We had gravel between Beaufort West (BW) and Loxton, but also some tar in this section. Gravel was good.  I wanted to deflate my tyres from 2.2 on the gravel, but did not.  Always wondering when i'll see the next compressor!

Our first coffee stop, S of BW.

We saw nice scenery.  Meiringspoort is always special, and then the stretch between Beaufort West and Loxton also had spectacular views.


Area S of Loxton. It rained recently.
Loxton looks like a nice little town.

The drier flatter landscape S of Carnarvon.  We also saw our first animals.
Dogs are not nervous in Carnarvon, we saw many walking the main roads.  All VERY peaceful. Many small businesses, also some familiar ones like a Spar and Standard bank.  Friendly people as well.  Lots of B&Bs.
Both Loxton and Carnarvon looked quite clean and well maintained, but with a typical rural feeling.  Lots of bottle stores and wind pump "fixing places".

Tomorrow we are on our way to Riemvasmaak.  We'll fill up diesel in Kakamas and hope to buy dried peaches.

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